poster_3_smThis year, the Inside Out Art Group is working in partnership with Underhill Farm to build an art “Encounter Space” through a range of workshops, exhibitions and art activities. Our aim is to bring local professional artists, art students and craft workers together to explore the inspirational landscape and environment at Underhill – and to develop that through artist-lead day events, courses and demonstrations.

Some of us have already started to produce work directly inspired by the farm; others have started to work with natural materials from the farm itself. We are hoping that their work will lead to part-time artist residencies at the Farm, and regular exhibitions of their developing work.

Since November last year, we’ve held three Sketching Days at the Farm, which has enabled artists to get to know the location and the environment. Now, we’re holding a three-day Art & Wild Craft Fair over the coming Bank Holiday weekend – May 4, 5, and 6.

This is a real chance for the group to build a long-term relationship with a great project. Steve and Irene at the Farm have already done a huge amount of work converting this derelict dairy farm into a thriving eco-adventure and permaculture centre – and they’d like to make art a core part of what the farm has to offer. If this project interests you, please get in touch via our contact page!

Directions and a map to the farm can be found on this page.