The Willow Gallery, Oswestry

The group meets throughout the year – all informal, all about networking and getting to know other artists in the group; not about spending endless hours mithering over paperwork!

On the first Wednesday of every month, we hold a Notebook Meeting at 2pm in The Willow Gallery on Willow St., Oswestry.

The meetings are a chance to talk through new and upcoming projects, and are also a chance for everyone who comes to show and talk about their own current work, as well as talk about courses they’ve been on recently or exhibitions they’ve been to or taken part in recently. People bring their sketchbooks, portfolios, recent works, works in progress, photographs, etc., etc. We stay together for about an hour, then give people the option of splitting up into smaller groups to talk about particular things that interest them.

They’re informal, great fun, and a really good way to get to know and meet other artists.

The meetings are free and are open to all artists, whether Inside Out members or not.